Affaire Fischer à Genève, des mandats octroyés par une ex-ministre aux projets de son compagnon
Swiss Press Award 24 Local – E – Jérémy Seydoux
State Councillor Under Fire
Léman Bleu TV
Jérémy Seydoux
2nd place
2024Following suspicions over the financing of the election campaign of the former Geneva state councillor Fabienne Fischer (Green Party), Léman bleu TV’s investigation reveals how the state councillor, who failed to win re-election,, handed out commissions to her relatives, with no respect for public procurement policy and despite warnings from her own administration. The broadcaster was able to take advantage of the cantonal transparency law. The journalist discovered that the state councillor’s partner, who was also her campaign manager, had interfered with the cantonal administration’s documents and meetings, even writing directives for civil servants. The investigation also extended to the defence costs for the magistrate and civil servants, paid by the state, as well as the misuse of public funds for private ends. As a result of these revelations, the public prosecutor’s office opened criminal proceedings and the parliamentary audit commission looked into the problematic administration.