Primo Ospedale Covid della Svizzera

Swiss Press Photo 21 – E – Pablo Gianinazzi – Winner News

Primo Ospedale Covid della Svizzera
Ti-Press, Keystone, RSI, RTS, 24Heures, IlCaffè, LaRegione, Blick, DerBund, LeTemps, LeMatin, ...



Pablo Nadir Yahnik Gianinazzi

Winner Swiss Press Photo Category News 2021

There are years in which particular settings take on a special importance: A football world championship, the “Eidgenössische” (THE traditional Swiss wrestling event), but also villages under rubble, land under water. Or in 2020: hospitals, emergency departments, morgues. A whole range of entries reporting from these locations came in from all parts of the country. These reports bring to light how important a personal perspective is, especially when it comes to topics like these that hit so close to home: every newspaper, it seems, wanted an exclusive report from their local hospital.
Press photographer Pablo Gianinazzi, born in Ticino in 1983, has won several awards at Swiss Press Photo over recent years and is now the winner of a category for the first time. His photos are from a hospital in Locarno, in the region of the country where the pandemic first spread. In his pictures you are transported to a place nobody wants to be, in the middle of the struggle for survival, in the hands of the carers who do everything they can.

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