Maurice Velati
Nominated for
2015Success Secrets of Luxury Lingerie
Regionaljournale Radio SRF 1
By Maurice Velati
Nominated for
2015Barely any passing shopper would be prepared to spend as much money on underwear as a Zimmerli creation costs. The street survey in Aarau underpins a neatly paced radio report on the nearby company Zimmerli Textil AG in Aarburg. A company that designs, sources and produces in Switzerland – in order to bring its exclusive product to the world market, for luxury retail. This niche player’s unconditional commitment to quality is part of the secret of the success of Zimmerli. The hype is also due to the fact that their legendary fine ribbed undershirts are worn by Hollywood stars such as Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks and Silvester Stallone – free but priceless advertising.